Honzi/Bookmarks/Honzifox's EVE/Inactive and Destroyed Ships
Inactive Ships Fate Notes
Abaddon PvP-0 replaced by Nestor "PvP"-0 retired, too plain, has a hole in it
Arbitrator RANGE-0 replaced by Proteus PROWL-0 retired, too plain, too squishy
Badger MD4-0 replaced by Impel CARGO-0 retired, outclassed by DSTs
Bestower CARGO-0 replaced by Impel CARGO-0 retired, outclassed by DSTs, too squishy
Bowhead CHONKER-0 I should stop drinking exploded 2024-02-05 https://zkillboard.com/kill/115336446/
Coercer PvP-0 my 1st PvP loss exploded 2017-04-18 https://zkillboard.com/kill/61662260/
Coercer PvP-1 learned about docking timers exploded 2017-05-04 https://zkillboard.com/kill/62040800/
Coercer PvP-2 eating a sandwich exploded 2017-07-15 https://zkillboard.com/kill/63494773/
Dominix MS4-0 replaced by Dominix Navy Issue MS4-0 retired, upgraded due to balance patch
Dominix Navy Issue MS4-0 distracted by Mining chat, forgot resists exploded 2024-05-19 https://zkillboard.com/kill/117974389/
Dragoon PvP-0 replaced by Nestor "PvP"-0 retired, too small
Executioner #0 my 1st ship loss exploded 2016-10-17 https://zkillboard.com/kill/56647842/
Impairor #0 bullied by an elite npc exploded 2016-10-20 https://zkillboard.com/kill/56693353/
Impel CARGO-0 replaced by Ark CARGO-0 retired, too small
Kronos DUEL-0 dueled entire Amarr exploded 2023-12-30 https://zkillboard.com/kill/114401688/
Kronos DUEL-1 caught in a tornado exploded 2024-04-26 https://zkillboard.com/kill/117338249/
Machariel BUMP-0 sold, fate unknown needed to quickly buy Rosada Dawn skin for Bowhead
Nestor "PvP"-0 my most expensive ship loss exploded 2021-04-19 https://zkillboard.com/kill/92281357/
Pod #0 my 1st pod loss exploded 2017-05-04 https://zkillboard.com/kill/62040802/
Pod #1 my most expensive pod loss exploded 2021-04-19 https://zkillboard.com/kill/92281397/
Rokh MINE-0 replaced by Proteus PROWL-0 retired, needs mining drone bonuses
Sin "PvP"-0 learned about conduit jumps exploded 2024-03-06 https://zkillboard.com/kill/116055884/
Stratios PROWL-0 replaced by Proteus PROWL-0 donated to Honzibot for cloaky hauling