Honzi/Guides/EVE Online/Checklists/Running Highsec Missions
- Travel to and dock in your mission hub station. Preferrably use a ship with enough cargo capacity for future loot.
- Open your Inventory window, right click your mission running ship, and click Board Ship.
- Right click the mission agent and Start Conversation to see the mission details and factions.
- Make sure your ship's defensive resistance modules match the damage types you will receive. If not:
- Open the Fitting window, drag the defensive resistance modules into your Supplies container, and close the Fitting window.
- Open your Supplies container, right click the correct defensive resistance modules in the container, and Fit to Active Ship.
- Make sure your ship's drones match the damage type your enemies are weak against. If not:
- Open your Supplies container, select the correct drones in the container, and drag them into your ship's cargohold.
- Open your ship's Drone Bay, select the drones you will replace, and drag them into your Supplies container.
- Open your ship's caroghold, select the drones, and drag them into your ship's Drone Bay.
- Close the Inventory window.
- If the mission is in a different solar system than the one you are currently in:
- Right click the Location solar system listed in the Objective section of the Agent Conversation window and Set Destination.
- Right click the current station you are in, located in the System Info section at the top left of your screen, and Add Waypoint.
- Click Accept Mission in the Agent Conversation window and close it.
- Undock your mission ship and activate your resistance modules.
- If the mission is in the current solar system you are in, right click the mission station you just undocked from and Set Destination.
- If the mission is in a different solar system than the one you are currently in, then right click the first system in your Route and Jump Through Stargate.
- Once you reach the solar system your mission is in, right click an empty part of space, go to Agent Missions submenu, and click on Encounter in the submenu with the name of the mission.
- Run the mission.
- Return to and dock in the mission station.
- Open the Inventory window and empty all cargo except for your MTU into the mission station. If you don't have your MTU, return to the mission system and get it.
- Close the Inventory window.
- Right click the mission agent, Start Conversation, and Complete Mission.