Honzi/Guides/World of Warcraft/Paladin
Item Slot Holy Protection Retribution
Head [The Horseman's Horrific Hood] [The Horseman's Horrific Hood] [The Horseman's Horrific Hood]
Neck [Eternal Amulet of the Redeemed] [Eternal Woven Ivy Necklace] [Eternal Amulet of the Redeemed]
Shoulder [Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons] [Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons] [Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons]
Back [Sporecaller's Shroud] [Sporecaller's Shroud] [Sporecaller's Shroud]
Chest [Burnished Breastplate of Might] [Burnished Breastplate of Might] [Burnished Breastplate of Might]
Wrist [Concealed Fencing Plates] [Concealed Fencing Plates] [Concealed Fencing Plates]
Hands [Sharktooth-Knuckled Grips] [Sharktooth-Knuckled Grips] [Sharktooth-Knuckled Grips]
Waist [Sharkbait Harness Girdle] [Sharkbait Harness Girdle] [Sharkbait Harness Girdle]
Legs [Legplates of Beaten Gold] [Legplates of Beaten Gold] [Legplates of Beaten Gold]
Feet [Embellished Ritual Sabotons] [Embellished Ritual Sabotons] [Embellished Ritual Sabotons]
Ring 1 [Recruit's Band] [Recruit's Signet] [Recruit's Signet]
Ring 2
[Seal of the Regal Loa]
Socketed with +3 Intellect
[Seal of the Regal Loa]
Socketed with +2 Primary Stat +2 Armor
[Seal of the Regal Loa]
Socketed with +2 Primary Stat +2 Armor
Trinket 1 [Conch of Dark Whispers] [Rezan's Gleaming Eye] [Rezan's Gleaming Eye]
Trinket 2 [Vessel of Skittering Shadows] [Defending Champion] [Defending Champion]
Main Hand [G3T-00t] [Adulation Enforcer] [Jeweled Sharksplitter]
Off Hand [Weathered Observer's Shield] [Weathered Observer's Shield]