Honzi/Personal Bests/StarCraft
| 6/8 (75%)
1 - Terran
| 12/12
| 11/11
2 - Zerg
| 10/10
| 10/10
3 - Protoss
| 7/10 (70%)
| 6/10 (60%)
4 - Protoss
| 7/8 (87.5%)
| 3/8 (37.5%)
5 - Terran
| 8/8
| 7/8 (87.5%)
6 - Zerg
| 6/10 (60%)
| 5/10 (50%)
- Zerg
- Terran
- Protoss
Orbital Death base:
- Hive topleft of available normal placement for spawn position x=100% y=50%
- 2 Extractors
- Spawning Pool bottom right of creep
- Hatchery topright of available space left of 2nd Extractor
- Lair bottomleft of available space above 2nd Extractor
- Sunken Colony left side of creep
- Spore Colony directly below 1st Extractor
- Spore Colony left side of creep left of previous Sunken Colony
- Hydralisk Den bottomright touching corners with the Spawning Pool
- Sunken Colony directly right of the Spawning Pool
- Sunken Colony directly left of the Hydralisk Den
- Spore Colony left of the previous Sunken Colony with a 1 space gap
- Evolution Chamber above the Hydralisk Den on the other side of the minerals, blocking the right gap
- Sunken Colony bottom of creep below 2nd Hatchery
- Sunken Colony left of the previous Sunken Colony
- Spore Colony in the bottomright corner of the base
- Sunken Colony directly above the 2nd Extractor with 1 space gap from the edge of the map
- Spore Colony directly left of the previous Sunken Colony
- Spore Colony top of the creep above the 1st Extractor
- Spore Colony top of the creep aligned with the left side of the Hive
- 2 Sunken Colonys top of the creep next to the previous Spore Colony
- Spore Colony topright above the Evolution Chamber
- Sunken Colony right of the previous Spore Colony at the end of the creep
- Spore Colony directly right of the bottom of the "E" shaped wall
- Spore Colony directly right of the top of the "E" shaped wall
- Greater Spire between the two previous Spore Colonys but with a 2 space gap from the edge of the map
- Queen's Nest to the topright of the previous Spore Colony, 3 spaces from the edge of the map
- Sunken Colony on the topleft creep next to the ramp
- Sunken Colony directly above the previous Sunken Colony
- Spore Colony directly left of the previous Sunken Colony
- Spore Colony in topright above Queen's Nest
- Ultralisk Cavern blocking the left gap in the mineral patches next to the Spore Colony
- Defiler Mound directly above the Evolution Chamber, tucked into the minerals