Honzi/Personal Bests/StarCraft
Custom Maps 5
Stat N64 PC
Cheats 6/8 (75%)
1 - Terran 12/12 11/11
2 - Zerg 10/10 5/10 (50%)
3 - Protoss 7/10 (70%) 4/10 (40%)
4 - Protoss 7/8 (87.5%) 2/8 (25%)
5 - Terran 8/8 2/8 (25%)
6 - Zerg 6/10 (60%) 3/10 (30%)
Orbital Death base:
  1. Hive: topleft of available normal placement for spawn position x=100% y=50%
  2. 2 Extractors
  3. Spawning Pool bottom right of creep
  4. Hatchery topright of available space left of 2nd Extractor
  5. Hatchery bottomleft of available space above 2nd Extractor
  6. Sunken Colony left side of creep
  7. Spore Colony directly below 1st Extractor
  8. Spore Colony left side of creep left of the Sunken Colony
  9. Hydralisk Den bottomright touching corners with the Spawning Pool
  10. Sunken Colony directly right of the Spawning Pool
  11. Sunken Colony directly left of the Hydralisk Den
  12. Spore Colony left of the previous Sunken Colony with a 1 space gap
  13. Evolution Chamber above the Hydralisk Den on the other side of the minerals, blocking the gap
  14. Sunken Colony bottom of creep below 2nd Hatchery
  15. Sunken Colony left of the previous Sunken Colony
  16. Spore Colony in the bottomright corner of the base
  17. Sunken Colony directly above the 2nd Extractor with 1 space gap from the edge of the map
  18. Spore Colony directly left of the previous Sunken Colony
  19. Spore Colony top of the creep above the 1st Extractor
  20. Spore Colony top of the creep aligned with the left side of the Hive
  21. 2 Sunken Colonys top of the creep next to the previous Spore Colony
  22. Spore Colony topright above the Evolution Chamber
  23. Sunken Colony right of the previous Spore Colony at the end of the creep
  24. Ultralisk Cavern directly below the previous Sunken Colony, 1 space to the right
  25. Spore Colony directly right of the bottom of the "E" shaped wall
  26. Spore Colony directly right of the top of the "E" shaped wall
  27. Greater Spire between the two previous Spore Colonys but with a 2 space gap from the edge of the map
  28. Sunken Colony on the topleft creep next to the ramp
  29. Queen's Nest to the right of the previous Sunken Colony, 3 spaces from the edge of the map, and 2 spaces down
  30. Sunken Colony directly aove the previous Sunken Colony
  31. Spore Colony directly left of the previous Sunken Colony
  32. Spore Colony in topright above Queen's Nest
  33. Defiler Mound directly above the Evolution Chamber, tucked into the minerals